1. What is a PURROT® ( Worldwide protected: PCT/DK2013/050077)
    A self-cleaning vibrating Rotor-filter integrated with a high pressure screw press. PURROT® can – ”without using chemicals”– conduct a mechanical separation which, separates organic matter and nutrients from "liquid":
    The module is used primarily for separating liquid manure (manure separation), as well as sewage from the food industry and public wastewater treatment.

  2. Why a PURROT® (higher livestock production or less demand for area)
    Whether it is Pig manure, Cattle manure or Digested media from biogas, then PURROT® primo 2015[1] proven, that (ref. the Danish provisions), the module can "reduce your area requirements by approximately 35%"and the transport by 75% - 95% if the concentrate is removed from the farm. Price: <2 kW-hours electricity per m3.

    PURROT® can - with the very high level of separation without the use of chemicals - as the only separator, produce a Fibre-fraction with > 40% Dry Matter. If the fibre is mixed with the concentrate from the module´ integrated Hydro-cyklon (PURPHO®), the module can remove more than 2/3 of the raw medium's Organic / Volatile Solid, VS = (Calorific Value).

    Bio-Waste -> Bio-Fuel

  3. Calculate your benefits of investing in a PURROT® for Manure Separation
    PURROT® Part in Fibre Part in Fibre + PURPHO®
    Part of Raw Medium Sow manure Cattle manure After biogas Sow manure Cattle manure After Biogas
    Weight- % 4 % 12 % 10 % 22 % 24 % 20 %
    Phosphor TP 33 % 23 % 46 % 58 % 34 % 58 %
    Total-N TN 10 % 19 % 22 % 28 % 32 % 31 %
    Org.-N. N-org. 17 % 29 % 33 % 35 % 44 % 51 %
    Total Solid TS 48 % 54 % 56 % 59 % 62 % 60 %
    Volatile VS 59 % 60 % 62 % 67 % 68 % 66 %
    The table shows the proven separation results from the verification.

    Example: Raw "thin" sow manure with 3.1% Dry Matter. The Fibre-% represents after the separation only 4%, but contains 59% of the manure´ "calorific value" (= VS). If PURPHO® is used, the weight of the fiber along with the sediment fraction is 22% of the applied liquid manure, while 58% of P and 67% of VS is recovered in the mixture, along with 28% of TN. That is to say:

    Distribution costs are reduced by 78% compared to, that more than 2/3 of the energy content is deposited / delivered!

    The solids content of the fibre has throughout the EU-ETV-Verification - where PURROT® has been programmed to a high solids content (can be varied referred to Customer requirements) - been > 40% TS, (of which VS is always above 90%). Therefore, the fibre fraction in addition to Biogas is also very suitable for ex. Thermic Gasification or rapid composting and subsequent use as Bedding (Recycling).

- Contact PurFil® ApS if you want us to implement a test on your farm!

[1] Refer to the EU-ETV-verification report: ”Test report for PURROT_ver_1-4_05-05-2015, produced by AgroTech A/S, Skejby og ETA Denmark. 2015

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